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Le Petit Prince
(de Saint-Exupery, Antoine)

Is this delirium, a hallucination caused by the sun and the dunes? Saint-Exupéry, St Ex for the intimate- he is in a plane breakdown in the desert. A desert that populates. All the crossings of each desert are reccurences of one's seff, on our lives, our human relations, but this is not an essay, an essay is written at a desk, an office, this is neither a delirium nor a hallucination. St-Ex has populated his desert of a lively childhood, eyes wide open on the world. " His little planet ". Be careful, this is not science fiction, but a fable. A fairy tale. The Little Prince leaves home to undergo this terrible initiation which is called separation. He meets, while crossing his desert, lots of planets. He lands on earth where he meets the author and asks him... for love. This book is a prominent classic, that is part of children's education in France, it is this country's heroic emblem because it conveys all values that we want to teach them: sharing, responsability and especially love...

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- The Little Prince

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- The Little Prince

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