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We are the strong and powerful waves,
Which cover many distances and ways.
We sometimes walk, sometimes we run,
And enjoy the journey with gay and fun.
We originate due to airy currents,
And increase our height as the day ends.
We complete our journey very cheerfully,
And merge in the sea silently.
When we collide with big stones and rocks,
The water jumps and splits into drops.
As we move step ? by ? step further,
We carry along the slur of moon & sun like no one other.
The simultaneous ups and downs resembles the conditions of existence,
And conveys a message to bear them with unity and endurance.
We help the fishermen and sailors in their travail,
And try for their welfare as we prevail.
We try to fulfil many desires of man,
So that he also remains our friend as long as he can.
We would remain perennial and would not expire,
Until the cruel man kills us for his own desires.

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- Srimad Bhagavad Gita ? A Great Science To Live Life.

- Srimad Bhagavad Gita ? A Great Science To Live Life.

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