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The Confession

Confession is not just going to church and confess our sins to the Father and request him to forgive for our sins. It is entirely different. When a person goes for confession, he should be very sincere and open hearted. He should confess everything without hiding anything in his heart. It is a very sacred place and we should be aware of the fact that is the only solution for us to get rid off the troubles. We must be submissive to the Father, who is supposed to be the God. In fact he takes out all of our sins from us and purify us. We should repect him and he is the person who prays for us and he is the person who gives us the needed relief from the sufferings. Many people think that it is not necessary for them to confess, since they have not done any sins. But it is not true. We are all human beings and bound to make sins. Sometimes, we would have done sins by inadvertence. We are not aware that even these sins are counted to get punishments. But sometimes, we make mistakes, knowingly, according to the situations. so to say, confession is a must and it is the only way of getting relief for our sins. When we finish our confession, we feel light in our heart, and this stage of mind is required to lead a peaceful life. We should never think that we are qualified to do sins, since we are fresh from confession.
God is watching us always and calculating our good and bad activities and certainly we will have to face the consequences. We can never escape from Him. God is always with us to protect and bless us and it is our moral responsiblity to qualify ourselves to have His blessings. What we have to do is just to beleive Him. He will surely take care of us.

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