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(Jean P.Sasson)

The book written by a French journalist Jean P. Sasson is a story of a life of an Arabian princess Sultana. Born in a rich family and a country dominated by men, the girl has been showing her rebelious nature since her young age. She doesn't want to follow the rules of her native country. She starts to resent her brother Ali, who is favoured the most among the nine daughters. Brought up in a strict and tough culture for women she becomes the defender of her female fellow-citizens' rights. In her story she shows the injustice which affects young women who are disposed and abused before marriage by the unknown to them men. They are busy with giving birth and bringing up their children. Frequently they live in luxury but their world is limited by abaja , a traditional attire from behind which they try to experience the life. It is a man who directs the life of a woman, it is he who chooses the wife, or more often, several of them, he who decides about the divorce, the life of his daughters. Arabian ladies are severely punished for opposing the man, the law and the Koran that is interpreted according to the needs of men. The main heroin luckily becomes a wife of the Arabian prince Karim who is the the supporter of the idea of treating women and men equally. She gives birth to his two daughters and a son. But when Karim wants to marry another woman there appear a crisis in their relationship and Sultana escapes from her country. However, she comes back with the documents about the possibility of the divorce from her side and guaranteeing the freedom of life for her daughters. There is also written the political situation in Saudi Arabia and an unsuccesful women emancipation movement.

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