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Environment Is Precious, Save It For Your Safety!

People often ignore small things that results in very big tragedy. Environmental problem is posing a big problem for whole world these days. It is a worldwide issue that needs to be taken care of immediately. People from the whole world play a very important part in solving this problem.

People must understand that what global warming is, what can happen to them if ozone layer will be fully depleted from the earth. If they will understand the importance of balanced environment half of the battle can be won. If they will keep on fighting for immaterialist things and keep on running after unimportant things they will have to suffer for the mistake in which they are unknowingly involved.

Every person should understand the importance of trees, forests and they should understand the cycle of nature. They should understand why environment is changing so terribly. They should question why there is so much of uncertainty in weather these days. Above all, they should try to solve the problem by contributing their suggestions and ideas of preserving nature.

Those people who are still indulged in cutting trees should be strictly punished, they should be heavily fined so that they will not be able to repeat this mistake again. People should encourage others as well as their children to grow more trees so that they will contribute in saving the environment.

Government should take immediate steps to solve the environmental problem. If they will not pay the attention then each and every person will have to bear the consequences. Environmental problem will bring big tragedy to any country or even to the whole world.

Environmentalists should give more and more information to the people for solving the problem of global warming and other environmental problems. Forests should be preserved as they play important part in keeping environment clean and balanced and also for animals it is like heaven as they live, breed and breathe in forests.

Environmental problem is more dangerous than any other problem in the world. It will have disastrous effect on the whole world if the problem will not be taken seriously. It is the duty of each and every person to take care of their environment as by doing this they are in a way saving themselves and their families.

The problem of environment is unseen that is why more awareness is needed among people. Together people can solve the problem, only a little bit of information, awareness and time is required.

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