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I'm Not Eating Any Of That Foreign Muck (travels With Me Dad)
(Brian Thacker)

Wherever he goes across the globe, 72-year-old Harry Thacker steadfastly refuses to touch "any of the foreign muck".
As frustrating as it may be for his son, author Brian Thacker, it's mighty amusing for the reader.
The pair leave Melbourne and set off on an overseas trip so Brian can learn as much as he can about his father.
In what he describes as a fearsomely foolish display of pro-activity, the Thacker lads head first to England, where both grew up.
They visit family, eat plenty of greasy fry-ups and roast dinners, and for the first time in his life Brian begins to understand and appreciate his father.
Their stopover at the infamous Butlins Holiday Camp at Minehead is a side-splitting highlight in a book full of simple, yet charming, humour.
This search for history is an enjoyable jaunt through their homeland, before they jet off to a number of far flung and exotic locations.
Also on the Thacker list of stop-offs are Sri Lanka, Malta, Singapore and Gibraltar - all important to Harry's life as one another.
Along the way Brian finally figures out how his old man lost those two fingers on his right hand, as well as the birthplace for some of the awful jokes he is know famous for.
A travel book with a twist, the Thackers could be any family in the world.
However, Brian manages to make this an informative and hilarious read.
And not matter how tempting his son makes the grub sound, Harry doesn't touch any of that foreign muck.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


