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Planned Life

Always we are interested in leading a rich life. But we never think of the other facts. It is very important for everyone to lead the life in a simple way. Now a days, it is very easy to upgrade our life style, even without paying in one time. There are many business centres to offer whatever we wish with the initial payment alone. For example, if we have a plan to buy something for $500, it would be better for us to pay that amount and get the articles within that amount. But we seldom do like that. We buy articles for $5000 and pay that $500 as the first time payment. We never think that we have to pay the balance amount for the next nine months. If you go deep, we can understand that we are paying more then 50 per cent of the valu e that we have purchased. It would be profitable for the shops, but not for us. Of course, it is necessary for us to have all the facilities. But we should not think that we should get everything at the sametime with out paying the entire amount for the goods. If we develop one by one, there would be no strain on us and we can enjoy our life. But when we buy on the hire purchase plan, we can not say that the articles purchased by us are ours. It becomes our own only after paying the entire amount. We must learn to live happily within our limitations. The awareness should be there to understand what is our limitations and how to be happy with that. Every body can not be rich and do things as the mind goes. We have to plan our life in such a way that we are happy always. We have to make a list of the needed articles and we should try to buy them according to our financial position. Unless we have a perfect plan to live, it would be a big problem. Don't try to follow others. We have to live without any debts. As long as we don't have to pay any money to any one we can be happy. Otherwise the entire life would be doomed.

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