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Heavier Than Heaven ! A Kurt Cobain Story .
(Charles Cross)

Kurt Cobain Lives !!! yes , indeed ! Who will dare to
forget This Bloke Who brought something new to the sound of
music . GRUNGE !!! Though its roots went back to the mid
80s , it is most likely to have been popularised or
invented by Kurt and Company ! To say he was an ICON is
quite an understatement ! To those unaware about and
Nirvana ( are there any ) let me briefly tell you guys that
they rose to huge stardom with their Debut album "
NEVERMIND " . It was just a stellar record with obviously
led to Stellar sales. This Actually in turn surprised Kurt
himself and it is said he could not handle the Fame . Well
thats another story .
There are number of
tributes and Biographies made on Nirvana and Kurt Cobain .
This Book However , stands out . Mr . Charles R Cross has
done a fine job in Penning down Cobain musical career , his
fight against Drugs (yes) and ofcourse His Untimely and
Much Debated Death .I've always thought that a biography
should be judged on how the author was able to stay out of
the way, and let the events of the life present themselves.
In this case, Cross is, like I noted above, mostly a
success. His reputation as a respected music and
entertainment journalist is apparently well-earned and his
objectivity is very rarely questionable .That being said,
his greatest feat, paradoxically, is the way he handles
Kurt's final days. Much of it of course is speculation, for
no one but Kurt knows how it all went down . Kurt , a Gun
fanatic used his pet as his ticket to God , in search of
peace and maybe a better world . Cross took the
name "Heavier than Heaven" from a tour Nirvana did with the
band Tad in the UK. The lead singer, Tad Doyle, was very
obese; the name which was thought up by the tour promoters,
was meant in part to poke fun at the inaccurate fact that
Tad alone weighed more than all of the members of Nirvana
put together. It was written with help by Courtney Love and
is often considered to be inaccurate in its account of
Cobain's life and his marriage with Love. Both Grohl and
Novoselic have spoken out against the way they are
portrayed in it. Many conspiracy theorists who believe
Cobain may have been murdered by Love have also had
problems with the way Cross described Cobain's death, as if
he were there in the room.

PEACE !!!!

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- Love And Death - An Explosive Investigation Into The Murder Of Kurt Cobain

- A Biography Of Kurt Cobain

- A Biography Of Kurt Cobain

- Os Escritos De Kurt Cobain

- Os Escritos De Kurt Cobain

Passei.com.br | Biografias


