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Daily Practice Makes The Difference

Long ago, there lived a King. He was very kind and affectionate with his citizens. He loved his people and provided them whatever they needed. He was loved by his people very much.
Just because of his high qualities, he earned a very good name among the kings. So, other kings did not like him. They were looking for the opportunities to fight with him and conquer him.
But, the king was aware of this threat and he was always ready to lead his force to fight enemies. In his chamber, he had many scholors and highly knowledged persons for this purpose. He had a very big elephant force in his army. The warriors were very strong and highly skilled. He used to conduct competitions to select highly qualified professionals.
He had many training coaches for maintaining the elephants.
Thogh he had hundreds of elephants, he had one very strong and big elephant for his personal use. He always traveled with that elephant, which had a majestic look. One of the trainers was living with the King in his palace. He was the best trainer. One day, the elephant gave birth to a child. The elephant trainer was very much interested in making his son as a professional trainer like him, though he was very young. His son liked the child elephant and he loved it very deep. He spent a long time with the child elephant and he provided it food and water with utmost care. The small elephant was enjoying his life very much by playing with the son of his trainer. So to say, they lived together. While playing, he used to grab its trunk and lift it with his two hands. Though he felt it a difficult in the begining, by the effection towards the elephant, he was able to do it. Daily they were playing like this. Every day the boy visited at a particular time and lift the animal and put it down. He was doing this just for fun. The boy's father was not aware of the relationship between his son and the elephant.
One day, the spy of the king informed that the king of the neighbouring country was planning to fight with him and the king was about to enter their border. Atonce the king called his minister for his plan. The minister gave a secret plan to the King. He was glad about the plan and appriciated the minister. Immediately, he made an announcement to his people that he wanted to meet the strongest man in his country. Many strong soldiers came to his court and showed their skills. The son of the elephant trainer also came to the court. His father was surprised to see his son in the king's court and he was angry about him. He knew that without any proper taining it would not be possible for anyone to show the skills to the king. But very unexpectedly, the boy came to the court, and just lifted the elephant above his head and kept it for a few minutes and threw it away. The king himself was shocked but at the same time very glad and explained his plan. The boy went to the border of his country, where his enemies were about to enter. There were many elephants. He started to lift the animal with which he was playing and threw it away quite a long distance. The enemies who were seeing this, got shocked and started to run away back to their country.The king was very happy and promised the boy to fulfill all the desires of him. This stroy explains that even the difficult jobs would be very easy if the way of approach to that job is step by step and regular.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Foolish King And The Clever Minister

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