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Tarzan Of The Apes
(Edgar Rice Burroughs)

The mystery of a white man being king of the jungle and raised by apes began when Lord John Clayton, the Lord Greystoke and his wife were stranded on the shores of Africa. He was hired by the British government to investigate conditions there. The ship which carried him there had a mutiny and they dumped him with his supplies and food provisions on the African shore. He built a hut to protect them from the wild animals and his wife later gave birth to a boy. His wife died after firing at a gorilla that nearly killed him. In his grief he did not notice another ape enter his open door and killed him. A group of apes found them and a female ape took his son and dumped her dead son on his baby's crib. She raised the baby and he grew up like the apes but he was different in that he has the intellect and more superior than the apes. He was a better hunter then and his mother Kala protected him from the jealousy of the others. He found Greystoke's cabin and the human remains. The hut has become his second home and he learned how to write by copying the characters in the books he found there. He could not speak it but he could write English. He only knows the grunts and roars of the apes. He kept the locket and diary of Greystoke written in French. He did not know that the skeletons were his parents and the one in the crib was an ape. He found a cannibal tribe and they feared him as he stole poison arrows and food and killed some of them. He became adept in using the bow and spear. One day he found Porter with his daughter Jane, Clayton Greystoke and an asistant being led to shore by the crew of the ship. They had a mutiny too and they took his treasure chest and buried it somewhere. Tarzan saw them and dug it up and hid it somewhere. Meanwhile Jane with her maid and Clayton found the cabin. Tarzan helped them survive while staying there and he found the lost Porter and his assistant. Jane was abducted by an ape in Tarzan's tribe and Tarzan killed him to save her. A French ship arrived and Porter asked them to look for his daughter. They found the cannibal's camp and one of their officers, D'Arnot was abducted and tortured and Tarzan saved him. After a few days the captain of the ship decided to leave without D'Arnot even if Jane asked him to wait awhile for Tarzan might have saved him too. So Porter and company went home and Jane left a letter to Tarzan inviting him to visit at Baltimore. When D'Arnot recovered, he started educating Tarzan. He learned how to speak French and a little English. Tarzan asked him to take him to Baltimore and D' Arnot was able to get them into civilization and a ship with the treasure. He learned civilzed ways from D'Arnot. In France he had the fingerprints of the baby Greystoke smeared in ink on the diary analyzed. Tarzan left for Baltimore and found Jane as he was about to be married to Camler whom his father owed money for the treasure lost. A cable from D'Arnot confirmed he is Lord Grestoke. He gave Porter the credit for the treasure from D' Arnot and did not reveal his true identity. Further adventures of Tarzan with Jane in the jungle in another episode.

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- Tarzan The Lost Adventure

- Tarzan Of The Apes

- Tarzan Dos Macacos

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- The Works Of

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