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The Picture Of Dorian Gray
(Oscar Wilde)

The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only novel which Oscar Wilde wrote through his whole rich career of writing plays , poems and essays.
The book is actually a modern version of the story of the Greek Narcisus.
The book tells aboutt the handsome Dorian Gray who is painted by a talented artist who's inspired by him. when the portrait is done, Dorian Gray immidiatley falls inlove with his portrait. It seems so young and innocent and beautiful to him, that he wishes that he would be the one who'd stay young forever, and the picture would be the one who'd get old and ugly.
Dorian's wish unfortunatley comes true, and the picture gets old and ugly, horrible and merciless, while Dorian, which committed many crimes, stays young and beautiful, and even when he's in his thirties people think that he's only about twenty years old or so.
The end of course is tragic and very uncompromising.

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