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The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Thought Her To Fly
(Luis Sepulveda)

Luís Sepúlveda, write us a gentle story, simple but full of meaning, as you conclude reading this fantastic story.
?The Story of a Seagull and the Cat who Thought her to Fly? is a fable, in which the main carathers are cats and seagulls, and even this few words may look that this is all about a children?s tale, don?t get it wrong, a child can never take from this beautiful story the life lesson it has inside.

So, we have the story of a cat, Zorbas, a big black fatty cat that lives in a house near the Hamburg port. During the holidays, Zorbas stays home alone, when suddenly one day, when lying at the sun in his balcony a dying seagull drops down in front of him; it happens that after being caught by a black tide, she lost from her band and Zorbas balcony seems to be her final destiny. However, before she dies, she lays an egg, and, asks two wishes to Zorbas accomplish, the first one is that he take care of the unborn seagull, the second is that he teaches her to fly. Facing the situation of the poor seagull, Zorbas accepts her wishes, without understanding yet the importance of such responsibility.

And so begins his adventure, faithful to his word he will make all efforts to accomplish the promess.

Until the little seagull birth, Zorbas lived a relaxed and calm life, now he has to incubate an egg, and so because of that, when the little seagull is born starts calling Zorbas her mommy.

By this time, Zorbas starts searching for his friends, and together they?re going to help little Ditosa, so they call her, helping Zorbas is this difficult task. His friends are, Collonelo, a senior cat always ready to give a good advice, Secretário, his right hand, Sabe-Tudo, a very bright cat and Barlavento, a sailor cat.
With Sabe-Tudo?s encyclopedias, the good will of all, and the sense of accomplish this obligation above all odds, this small group of cats, starts this difficult task, of giving Ditosa some survival good lessons, to teach her fly, and give her love and care like the way her mother would give her.

Ditosa integrates well in the group, at the point of start thinking that also, she is a cat and realizes that is with them she wants to stay, trying to fight against the good efforts of her friends.

But Ditosa is in fact a seagull and her truth nature starts to develop, and although her enormous will of staying with her ?family?, the will of open wings and fly is also very strong . So, it's in a rainy night, that Ditosa finally open wings, and following her destiny, flys away, leaving Zorbas with tears in his eyes, seing his friend leaving, but at the same time, understanding the need to follow her true nature.

It?s a beautiful lesson, of two completely different beings, that destiny has bring together, and by honoring a promess a beautiful friendship was built, it's also about a group of friends that in name of loyalty, and even all apparent difficulties, help another to accomplish a promess almost impossible to realize.

As one can see, is a parable full of meaning, the story of a beautiful friendship and ideals we don?t usually see in day to day life, an example to follow and more than that, a conclusion to be taken: everything we accept to do, if we truly wish to do, we're going to accomplish that for sure.

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