How world could be without enmity? Only when a country or a group of people say to the world we are happy, how about you? What type of people can say another people that they are happy and wanting to offer the same to other country, or people, or family?
Only if a group of people or country says that we are still one step ahead then you. In this new concept people should believe only fear towards, fire, and water. Only these two things can kill a human being, or some pressure (stones) can kill a human being.
With the very same concept a ship on sky or above water should be created. If can be in the shape of flying sacra also, to fly now fuel being used. It is wrong nature power can also lift any article in the world these types of invention not come so far, but ancient people
In India had this sort of airplane. This was mentioned in all ethic stories. One among them air craft without fuel and made with flower named (pushpaka vimanam) like this there are plenty of air craft said but not how to make it.
People should come forward to create a new air craft without fuel, so that there will be no life fear with fire, and water. If a house is made like this, there is a chance of village. If a village is formed there is a chance of city, If a city is created there is a chance of a country. If a country is formed it is easy for the other country to follow the same.
A human being will not be an enemy to another human being. Expect a new enemy and with the complete support of human power we can over come easily the new enemy.
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