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Do You Verify Your Self?

For every thing in external life there is a verification done. If you walk in your own city where have you born? Some one calling you and ask for your identity. If you show something the opponent is happy and reliving you.

You deposit your won money which could be hard earned or gift, or from other sources, you deposit it in your account even that cannot be taken easily without identifying.
So in actual life we miss identifying to hear from right channel, or accept the thing by canalizing to our own way.

A way one to one differs, it is by nature. Because every one learning and accepting the new thing. The changes of the kind accumulate in human life, and make the changes a man to man. There for it said one man food is another mans poison.

Which way a thing to take it to your mind will not be poison only you will know better than others? If you feel it is required accept. Don?t face any bad consequence that is real positive life.
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