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Normally all of us want to be fresh, for which we seek external beauty and dress up well and walk well, speak well. Apart from every thing what you require? You require patience fist. If you have enough patience, you will know opponents maximum force.
And if you compare your force, and you feel happy, then live the opponent freely.

Once you can exhibit your talent fully as tiger, you will have no enemy for ever, because your opponent knows you better than you. If you do not have any enemies, then all your enemies are you.

If you can destroy a enemy who is sitting strongly in your body, you will have only fresh mind, Even if some one comes and disturb you, you will feel him only, as joker, or fun that is making and it is organized by God.

This entire thing is for common owner ship any body can own this quality, and be happy for ever, and can make others happy. If not at least he could make happy of his heart and mind. Your mink will be blank to accept good thing, and neglect immediately bad things.
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