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(Sandeep Saha; India; Kolkata-700074)

As I walked down over the dusty road, the echoing night was howling as I was not given the permission but I have to give up the duty of secrets. Its not given up the time when I once had the moment for these secrets to give up this job. Its not my job but I preferred it about my hobby.

My pen held good into my fingers while I had to write articles for the tomorrows newspaper that was inventing by The Telegraph.

?The night was howling . There were ordinary moments like the days fanged and I was looking outside the window showering over the plain land. I didn?t had any moments of given joy. Some something struck my eye??

?I was not getting worried about the woman, in white saree hanging over the body loose. Some parts of it were torn but it fitted okay on her. I was lucky enough as I was alone in the lonely home. There were nobody in the vacancy room except those furniture those did not had any sense of it, at all. I wanted to follow the woman as it looked crazy and something different from the others. I was in the moment of fear as I guessed her the witch that those stupid superstition priestly classes came here for her, a weeks ago. How I hate those priests??

?It was afternoon time and I was looking at those happy children playing at their own but I was too young up to join them. I came to my last mind that I should configure about the strange woman. I took my position outside my home. It was soon the rain had stopped. But the road was sticky enough to walk.?

?The next, I did to come out side the place where I saw the lady but she disappeared. There were no one who was there. I was lonely and I felt little scare. I knew that they couldn?t go now. I proceeded some more steps. Suddenly I accident to some-thing that I felt. The muddy rod dipped down and I could view the body of a man dipped into the mud. I had no enough courage for this breath. I couldn?t call them. I was lonely.?

?Suddenly I felt that I was drowning over the mud like the man. I could not hold myself. I was drowning, drowning, and drowning. As I was not able to do anything. I was completely drowned and I felt like my breath stopped for some moments. I was completely darkness when I closed my eyes. I tried to move but the fiction was not working. There the earth was taking me to its core, I felt. I drowned??

?Few moments later, I realized that I was in my live state. I held myself up and I was like have been gone inside the a hall of darkness, but its physically or mentally, I could not figured it out!?

?I, few minutes later, heard my friend, Sushil, giving me some lectures about my safety, that I should not have gone away sudden. Suddenly, he rose a knife that struck my chest. I felt an enormous pain that I felt in my life. I saw many people, cinemas and films, striking from a sharp long knife. But I didn?t felt that I could have stepped onto this moment. My breath slowly calmed as I was watered with sweat. I could fell that I was turning blue and I could not stop this??

?Few moments later I was described in an usual place where the nightmare also scared of it. There were several women like I saw today. They were heading to me and my surrounding was black. I was in the closed eye figure. I could not move a bit. But when they approached me they held and axe! I was really scared and soon forgot about the death before by Sushil. I could not have followed the women, I thought as my sweat dripped my whole body like a stream. I was not old enough to die. I was 25 but did not thought that my end is here. I closed my eyes and gave a loud scream which echoed throughout the wall of my room where I was laid sleeping like a sweet baby but covered by the dark nightmare. I was there still I woke up.?

?My heart thudded my chest like hammer and I didn?t expect to follow that nightmare alone. As I came out of my bed things happened to be normal. Every thing was fine. My mother made my breakfast while my father had gone to office. I was alone with my mother providing meal for me. There was sudden stop at my nightmare which I could never got and never wanted.?

?As I was looking the reflecting mirror while I was brushing my teeth, there was he existence of the women wearing white saree all around, with a sharp broad axe which gave a twinkle light shone from the sun above head. They headed for me as I saw the mirror, their reflection. They headed and headed? as I turned around there was nobody except my mother standing. I gave little curse to my but an extraordinary thing was on my last view. My mother?s eyes glow red, like those of the witch handling me in my nightmare??

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