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James And The Giant Peach
(Roald Dahl)

James, the poor boy, he lost his perants a child and been forced to live with his two very unattractive aunts who treat him as though he were in no relation to them, in fact they treat worse than how they would treat a stranger! Then one day the bare peach tree that hasnt seen any form of life in the past god knows how long. As they seasons pasted, well the season, the peach began to grow, rapidly. It grew and grew and grew and grew, until it was so big, that it was classed as the world largest peach, now thats big! So anyway, the nasty Aunts of James began to collect money as the public were curious to view the enourmous peach, they even sold pictures of the punters next to the huge fruit!! But one day they really upset James, and he was forced to go to his corner with absoluty no evening meal. It was then that James made a new friend, a spider, who lead him to the giant peach, where he ate his way through it. He was amazed to see what appeared to be the inside of the peach! that is also whe he decide he was going on a giant adventure, and adventure so big that was larger than the peach itself, he was goin to the big apple itself, new york! But how did he get there, well...he rowled the peach from the prison of the garden in which it was kept and privately viewed, he rowled it far, and into the see it went, his newly found insect friends and him were on a journey, a journey of a life time! But as the peach becomes flooded the bugs became wet and so did James! the only option left was to swim but they had another idea in mind, they flew, but how? well...they use the wings of a flock of seagulls. Using string to tie the peach to the birds their plan was a success and they arrives in New York In one piece but James's aunts were not pleasd at all when they found the missing peach squashed on the big apples scenery! James however was looked after by his bug friends and lived a happy life!

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- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

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