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(Anthony Horowitz)


Alex Rider saw that he had to find Scorpia, when Jack says she hires a tutor because Alex has been more off school than in it. When Alex works really hard the tutor asked if Alex would like to come to Venice for five days. Alex says yes but three days in and he sees it is hopeless. It is only when he spots a rather suspicious looking boat, he follows it and comes to a building. He has a feeling it?s Scorpia and finds out from a servant that people are coming to the building. Alex decides he?ll get in tonight when there are a lot of people.

Alex gets into the building and overhears a talk, which makes no sense. In the next room a tiger attacks Alex and then a man called Nile puts him underground that floods. Alex just escapes through some loose bars.

Alex goes with one of his school friends who is going to see his Uncle in Italy. When Alex was in the room where the tiger attacked him, Alex saw a card that said something about one of the buildings. His friend?s uncle drives Alex there and Alex sees it?s hopeless to get in. But he sees he can base jump in. Alex decides to do it in the night so policeman can?t see him do it.

Alex manages to get on the roof of the building and get in. Alex meets a person called doctor Lieberman, he said he got lost and when they meet Nile, Nile decided to kill the doctor. Nile then apologises to him for putting him down the water well, Alex knows he?s done this because of John Rider. After that Nile drives him to a place were Alex meets the head of Scorpia Mrs Rothman.

Mrs Rothman tells Alex that MI6 killed John Rider and proves it; she then asked if Alex would like to join Scorpia. Alex Rider says yes and so goes to the building in Venice were everybody is trained up. Alex is taken to the Scorpia doctor who checks him and gives him an injection saying he was a little run down. The person tells him John Rider was once a teacher.

At Downing Street they had been given a letter from Scorpia. It said that if the President did not resign then all children in England would die.

Alex got through Heathrow Airport and a day or two later made his way to Mrs Jones house. He disguises himself as a pizza boy. He takes the lift and opens the door with a small bomb. Alex finds Mrs Jones and shoots but only hit her reflection in a mirror. Then he?s grabbed and locked up.

The next morning Alex meets Alan Blunt and takes him to a meeting call cobra. Alex finds out that Scorpia are going to kill every child in England. After a long talk they believe they?ve got satellite dishes that will fire invisible arrows, so they are looking for more than a 100 meters high satellite dishes.

Alex is taken back to the building they hide a gadget inside Alex?s mouth that will tell them that Alex knows where these dishes are. Alex tells Scorpia that he killed Mrs Jones but someone caught him while he was going out. He had escaped by opening the car door while it was moving.

Alex is checked but they don?t find the thing in his mouth they drove to a scrap yard where Alex spots a hot air balloon with over 100 satellite dishes on it. Alex immediately presses the button in his mouth. Mrs Rothman then sees the thing in Alex?s mouth and Alex shows it to her. Suddenly there was a bang.

One of MI6s agents had fired a gun; Alex had jumped into the balloon. Alex watches as the agents fight Scorpia and soon get the upper hand. But Alex can?t control the balloon. He hangs onto it pulling it down a little; the wind finally blows him to Hyde Park.

Alex is in MI6 headquarters and is ready to leave. Alex comes out of the building and then a gun is fired it hits Alex right next to the heart.

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