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During the course of my teaching career I have stumbled upon French Literature in French and found it a highly desirable inclusion in any syllabus!
In this instance, GERMINAL by Zola is an example of how a novel about working class values can still be relevant in today's Educational Programme!

Etienne the hero of the novel is still very much: THE LEFT WING CONSCIOUSNESS of today's
students! It has been dressed up to invent a modernity that stretches from one culture to another!

Its essential Frenchness doesn't detract from the popularity of this novel: In the course of the last few years I have been invited to comment myself and write about Politics! Usually, I steer well clear of such
complexity as Political Leaders are for the most part POPULAR and then are dumped by the voters or beheaded or /gunned down/ in some instances.

There is relevance here with what is currently happening in the world of Socialism: heads will fall, and all our Political Heroes have died in such tragic circumstances! A bit like an episode out of Zola's GERMINAL!

Perhaps the best part of the book: is the Political manoeuverings much played out in the novel!

La Politique le gouvernement

or what is often seen to mean /the wishes of the majority/ of course the rich get richer and the poor get poorer! In this novel the economical values are important to the story telling of French working class life! I see that it has relevance to the English Speaking World and while I read it many years ago I still enjoy picking it up and reading it, in /bits and pieces/

I have often been told that BARDOT is FRANCE! Presuably that is a metaphor! So where does
ZOLA stand! He then, could be said to be FRENCH!!

La Debacle - or the conflict continues even in 21st Century France! Long may we enjoy reading about it as it winds its way into our everyday lives.

Resumos Relacionados

- France Today:

- Germinal

- The "j'accuse" From Zola And Péguy

- Les "j'accuse De Zola Et Péguy

- Le Mahabharat'a De 'vyasa

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