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Lovely Mother George

George was an orphan boy. He was adopted by a Farmer. The farmer also had a child but the George happen to be his sister?s son he bought him to his home and treated as same as like his son.

George always had in his mind it would have been nice if he had his parents alive. Whenever he was angry he would shout his Aunt saying to her you are not my mother,and that is the reason he was ill treated.

Actually his Aunt was not like that, much worried about the health of these two boys. George had some stomach problem which she can clearly identify, like such reasons she gave little food to George and more to her son.

George noticed this without identifying, the actual reason and fought with his aunt, all the time. One time George did not agree, and fought big and informed his uncle and some village people. Every one schooled his Aunt and further said she is partial with George.

This made to ill. She did not cook. His uncle cooked that day. Every one slept nicely, except George. He had very big stomach pain, and the late night no hospital will be open, all this made him to think good about his aunt and asked excuses for trouble to the family and he became normal in the morning.

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