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Happy Man
(Mr. M.V.R. Ravi)

Knur is a small town in Ooty in India. There lived a man called joy. He had few buffaloes and milk business in the city. He was used to make ten cans of milk and take them fifteen kilo meter away from his home to sell them.

He was not happy about his business and told his wife he would like to switch over to any other business better than this. His wife told him without any hard work nothing is possible.

Two days he never went for his job. He watched other people. A man from next village attracted him. He was selling coconut. He asked New man, how is your business; he said I have leased a coconut Farm and the coconut falls automatically. All he need to pick them and pack and sell them. The knur man asked one day trail for him.

The next villager also accepted the trial. The day no coconut was dropped on the ground. The knur man asked what to do further? He said to claim up the trees to pick the coconuts. He claimed up and felt on the ground fortunately he was not injured. Later decided him self how his previous job was easy one to him. Also cancelled the trail of the day went back to his business.

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