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Gone With The Wind

Mr. Tony is got his birth day. That was his sixtieth birth day that time every one gathered and garlanded him, made big cake and every one ate well. Enjoyed the
Occasion. His ten year old grand son was very sad, his father Tom could not understand for his worries. He came to his son Mike, and asked him, why are you sad, Mike said to entire family, grand father getting aged and he would dies soon.

Mr. Tony was able to understand the situation and came to Mike, and said, Mike Everyone in the world die one day. But if you think deeply you can?t concentrate on the any of your routine work. You have to go school and learn, Mike replied why should i.
Tony said everyone must do some thing as long as we alive.

This is your young age; this is the time for you to plan what you want to be? You can create any thing to the world. Or you can play better than your fathers life style or better than my style. I had a Motor cycle and small house. Your father now has a big house and car. I am a postman and retired. Your father is a television mechanic; you plan your life for a doctor or an engineer, and try to own a big bungalow, and air craft of your own
This advice made mike to think positive towards life.

Mike asked his grand father, when I buy a bungalow and air craft, Will you be alive to
See my life. Mrs. Tony replied this time, we will be alive don?t worry. The days went Mike grown up. His father went his sixtieth year. Mike had no interest to have any girl friend. Mr. Tony was now eighty. With his walking stick he was able to attend to the birth day occasion of his son. Mr. Tony asked when you are going to buy a big bungalow and the air craft. Mike said that he has finished engineering graduation, and planning to start a business

Mike started a business. His father Mr. Tom was able to help him technically. The banks also helped them. Mike bought a big bungalow and five cars. He also married a nice worker of him. His wife Angelina got a birth to a male baby. Mike named his son Tony his grand father Mr. Tony was very much happy to know that a little master on his name born and growing. Mr. Tony?s wife also aged now. She was ninety five now. She remembered every thing right from the beginning.

Mr. Tony?s hundredth birth day came. Mikes son john was started speaking some words. This time they made the calibrations in huge mountain in Switzerland. Every one landed the place with Mike?s air craft. All the function went grandly but Mr. Toney passed away at the end of the day. Mikes son little master asked, Mrs. Tony, what happen to Mr. Tony? His wife replied, his soul has gone with the wind and he died.

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