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The Naked Sun
(Isaac Asimov)

The Naked Sun is a true hybrid mixing murder mystery with science fiction and it does it very well each complementing the other. The science fiction element of the story is fascinating. Just as in the first novel Asimov explores the effects that technology can and does have on the way we live and on how that technology can change every aspect of our lives. The naked Sun presents us with the flip side the themes introduced in 'The Caves of Steel'; the vision of earth in the previous novel is not an endearing one. Lack of resources have forced high-density habitation and a strict hierarchy exists in the distribution of wealth and favour. On Earth technology seems to have caused as many problems as it has solved and in a very human reaction that we can all identify from our own world a perceived threat from outsiders in this case the robots has lead to distrust and hate of the technology that created them.

Solaris on the face of it is a paradise, all the humans are wealthy their every need including sexual gratification catered for by armies of robots completely dedicated to their well-being. They want for nothing and spend most of their time in leisure pursuits, however this over dependence of technology has led them to become insular and suspicious of other humans. Their eradication of disease has also made them acutely fearful of contact with each other for fear of contracting any new infection, their whole culture is moving away from what we would consider as essence of human society contact with other people.

Again Asimov has managed to tap into a feeling that we can understand today. The lifelike robots might not be a reality but how often do we hear of the progress toward a future with 'gated communities, where we largely work from home, do our shopping on the web or on the phone, interact on the internet and socialize in chat-rooms and entertain ourselves by playing games on games consoles or PC rather than actually meeting other people in the flesh. Maybe in a very extreme way Asimov was beginning to describe subtle changes that might occur in our own society.

The naked Sun as with the best of Asimov's novels makes you think and while not the highest form of literature it is well written and engrossing. Unusually for Asimov I would say that the character development in this novel is better than in many of his other books and a little romance is also to be seen. All in all a splendid thought provoking read.

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