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The African American Writer's Handbook
(Robert Fleming)

This publishing guide by Robert Fleming, freelance journalist, editor, novelist, and short story writer--that is, well-rounded writer--subtitled "How to Get in Print and Stay in Print" is especially designed for African American writers. However, any writer, from beginner to pro, will find it useful. Here are guidelines on every aspect of publishing: submitting proposals and query letters, preparing manuscripts for publication, finding an agent, negotiating contracts, self-publishing, etc.
There is information on copyrights, grants and awards, writers workshops, reading groups, community-based organizations, an African American book timeline, genre fiction, poetry, and children's books.
African American author profiles, an AfricanAmerican Literary Hall of Fame, Literary Pathfinders: The Old School Profiles (it also has much to say about The New School), interviews with editors, publishing executives, and bookstore owners, plus a list of bookstores and distributors, add to the wealth of information provided by this handbook.
"African Americans in Cybersoapce" contains a list of online resources for writers and readers who want to link to the online literary and book communities.
African American writers (and other interested writers) learn the essentials of publishing, and of promoting self and work.
This is a contemporary, richly detailed and practical handbook. Just glance through the index from Hollywood contracts to Amiri Baraka to book design to desk-top publising to film to line editing to Nobel Prize to reference publications to television to book tours to Quincy Troupe to John A. Williams to workshops & retreats to Richard Wright to Al Young, etc.--well, you get the wide range of this generous and informative text.


We are seeking reviewers of African (Diaspora) books & websites (science, humanities, newspapers). To register via our link go to: http://www.shvoong.com/flyer.aspx?c=4D6C

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