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The Innocent's Story
(Nicky Singer)

One of a few remarkable tales I have read this year, The Innocent's Story goes into the mind of Cassina Dixon, a young girl murdered in a suicide bombing. This is her story. As her transition into the afterlife unfolds, we learn the inner workings of the human psyche and what on earth possesses individuals to act the way they do. In this case, the unfortunate young girl we inhabit has the ability to flow from person to person, completely unnoticed by each subject she encounters, in the hope that she will find out why she was killed. She is fortunate enough, however, to find the mind of the suicide bomber (who survived, amazingly, but you'll understand when you read this book) and we find ourselves sharing her questions, her sense of mystery and wonder at the drive that could propel someone to take hundereds of lives, not to mention their own. Can someone really believe that God is sending them on a divine mission to cleanse the world of it's impurities? This book teaches us an important lesson. You'll learn to acknowledge that life is different from every point of view, that some people can change their ways whereas others are set in their own; that ultimately, we live in a world where we are nothing but defined by the actions we take, the societies we live within and the clothes we wear. A truly sad tale, touching and informative, The Innocent's Story can be read by young and old alike. To open the eyes of our youth, and to remind the older ones that life is not always clear cut or as perfect as we'd like it to be. If ever I had an awakening that could touch me on so many levels, it would be reading this book for the first time, full of promise and endeavor.

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