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Roberts Rules Of Writing
(Robert Masello)

Are you a writer?one thats just started?or you have been pushing them keys on your keyboard for some time,whatever your writing experiences what im about to tell you is of great importance so listen in. I have recently read a book called Roberts rules of writing in which their are one hundred and one, just like the dalmations. This book in my opinion is a master peice in how to set about your work in the correct manner, as myself has a strong urge to write and am a complete novice in this sector but in this book robert goes into clear descriptions about the do's and dont's of the modern world of writing i will go into detail......and to be honest he cant be doing that much wrong,he has had fifteen books published and his writing experiences goes beyond any writers dreams. How many of you writers carry a notepad and pen around with you? for that everyday material that slaps us in the face every minute of our lives. That fantastic idea that you have just had and yes dont tell me you dont need to write it down because you will remember just like me right?-wrong, because i tell you he is right i have had some wonderfull ideas and then i go back to the mental file i left it in and no matter how hard you look {bang its gone as quick as you thought it} pen and notepad, i dont forget mine anymore i assure you. I enjoyed how Robert went onto how to do your work correctly, at lot of you reading this will think-well i do but i can tell you you wont be read on. Before you start your book,essay short peice etc make sure you plan it and the way i do it is to brainstorm my whole idea onto a blank peice of paper. This will help you with characters,scenes,whos going to do what,where and when,bassicaly the whole outline of your story whatever it may be. Then comes the draft,take what you have put from your brainstorm and put it into one big draft with no going back to check it just plough through and then and only then are ready to start your work. Do you see the method in the madness just like do?. This is the difference between a sale and a failure, when the work you treasure is done andyou think its done {its not}let the work marinate for a while {why} you might say,because you havre been too involved its all you know, take a step back and look at it for example a book you have just finished, leave it for two weeks because i will bet that you are glad you did. Their will be still bits need tweaking and you will be glad you did, but dont hold onto your work forever and it does not take a genious to work out why. Every material out their, what you wish to choose to write about has the potential to sell and dont let anyone tell you otherwise, write about what you read and you will be in a commanding position to sell your peice. If you a serious writer and you are writing away and then comes the dreaded stumble{you cant think of inspiration} it will come its just to say that we are like ink cartridges we need a refill so dont panic or fret it will come. I am currently reading Roberts book a third time and i would certainly recommend it to all you writers out there, its not a bible but in every sense worth its weight in gold. Thankyou for reading

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