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The Human Condition
(Arendt Hannah)

To point out that Hannah Arendt is a major contemporary political thinker quickly emerges reactions regarding the banality(not of evil) of such a statement. On the other hand it would be unfair, ceteris paribus, if such a banality was not at all mentioned. The book , the abstract of which you are currently reading, is in general labeled as a political theory book. Even though this characterization seems justified considering the analysis of the contemporary 'man' she provides using the fundamental in her opinion features of a human being labor, action and work, this book is actually an anthem of existential philosophy, in the tradition of Heidegger. Through a substantial use of Ancient Greek word etymology, Hannah Arendt uses the vocabulary of ancient Greek thought in order to explain the phenomena in the contemporary political world. Every one really interested in political philosophy will at least find Arendt's ternary categorization of human activities innovational. Hannah Arendt focuses on the problem of re-asserting political action into the society's fundamental activities, and recover what she calls vita activa in the western world, which she argues that it is fallaciously absorbed by the notion of vita contemplativa, or in other words a some kind of strong devotion to the eternal. Arendt unfolds her arguments through an array of ancient greek expressions and allegories, like for example Plato's cave allegory. Her sharp critic on Marx is also a worth mentioning one. Arendt attacks Marx's argument that labour should have a certain kind of primacy in human societies by using the notion of slavery that the Ancient Greeks used for labour. Finally, something a little bit more general. The book may at times be difficult to understand due to it's extensive use of ancient Greek words in defining abstract concepts. However if one is patient enough, he will very soon realize that these difficulties are only epiphenomal, revealing the underlying simplicity of the ideas discussed. Be patient and this book will reward you.

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