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The Heavenly Man
(Brother Yun; Paul Hattaway)

Brother Yun, whose real name is Liu Zhenying, is from Nanyang County, Henan Province. His story is moving on many levels. If you are of the Christian faith, you will want to read this book in order to understand what a "motivated faith" might mean. Reading about the burning desire to share the Gospel that was born in the heart of Brother Yun, is inspiring. It is especially inspiring because to preach the Gospel in China is very dangerous. Brother Yun was arrested and tortured many times for merely proclaiming his faith and always, God warned him and protected him (not from the pain of torture but from the despair that might easily come because of it.)

Brother Yun lives a "motivated faith." The desire to serve the Lord burns in him. He proclaims that his faith might become empty if he wasn't on the run and needing God's help at every turn. Therefore, he does not recommend that Christians pray for the end of persecution because motivation to press in to God would wane and ritualism and empty faith become the norm (he didn't say this, but like what has happened in the U.S.). He needed to experience God's mighty miracles often and they seemed to occur more when he was praying and intensely in need. If you are of no faith (or a different faith) you will want to read this book in order to comprehend what the potential of the Christian faith is. You will also appreciate Brother Yun because he exemplifies the potential of a Christian. You will not see in him any trace of a desire to harm anyone (even his torturers). You will love seeing his focus on the Lord and his unselfish desire to do God's will. You will love the joy that seems to explode from his soul.

The story of Brother Yun will be of great interest to you if you can endure his graphic descriptions of his tortures and see that beyond the physical, there is a mighty God who is able to communicate through dreams and visions, all that is coming and all that needs to be done. Although it is a true story, reading this is like reading an exciting science fiction story because we do not see the mighty works of God in our daily lives, like Brother Yun did during this narrative.

Brother Yun has been affectionately known as the Heavenly Man since the day he was being arrested outside one of the church houses in China and he didn't want his fellow Christians who were meeting in a nearby house to be incriminated. He began shouting, almost as if he were out of his mind, "I am the Heavenly man. I will not be a Judas. I am a Heavenly man." The Christians were able to escape, but his proclamation about himself remained in the hearts and minds of many throughout China.

The book, The Heavenly Man, will move you to tears far too many times to count; it will make you re-think your faith and you'll want to know why God's mighty miracles aren't working as much in your life (if you are a Christian). If you aren't a Christian, you will enjoy seeing a wonderful example of one in Brother Yun and, perhaps you, too, will find his God is awesome and want to make him yours as well. You will enjoy watching Brother Yun throughout this book, enjoying his thoughts and seeing what a very pure heart looks like, knowing that a pure heart is what God wants in each of us.

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