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(Tasleema nasreen)

A fatastic and real story.This book is so good that it is difficult to stop reading if once start to read.I have found only few books like this.This book shows the condition of minorities people in Bangladesh.Bangladesh is a south eastern country.It is a poor country with big population.majority of muslims.writer is female and she feels very shame to born in her country because of bad behaviour of majority muslims.There are in bangladesh about twelve percent population of hindu religious people.They are not safe.This book shows that temples(worshipping place of hindus)are destroyed.properties are looted and people are burnt alive.even girls are raped.so brutality ,it is one of the rarest example of injustice.I feel that writer is so brave that she writes reality against her own community people.she also writes that government and press do not care these cases.One thing is that she found that minorities are escaping in neighbouring country India with fear. Some muslim orthodox make fatwa against her for killing so writer in compelled to leave her country .I salute such a brave writer and think that any one who wants to know such a rear brutality against humanity they must read this book.I started to read it and read again and again.It has data also that how population of minorities hindu is decreasing day by day.Some terrorists group also started a movement to convert Bangladesh a orthodox Islamic state.

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