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The Five People You Meet In Heaven
(Mitch Albom)

An amazing book about the mysteries of Heaven. Have you ever wondered what's happen after death????? This books tells the journey of an old man called "Eddie" from earth to Heaven. We learn through his journey that there is life after death.

On his eighty-third birthday, Eddie, an old widow, dies in a tragic accident trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden but a place where his earthly life is explained by five different people who played an important role in it. Changing his path forever. These people where loved ones or distant strangers.

He learnt answers to questions he was always asking himself. He learns that other people had made sacrifices in their lifetime undirectly for him to live and earn a living. For example, his general in the army shot him the leg to save his life. Another man died, crashing his car into the back of a truck to avoid running the young Eddie at the time over with his car. He also met the wife of the man who sacrificed his life to build the fun fair Ruby Pier where Eddie found a job as a mechanic. He also meet his deceased wife with whom he will finally enjoyed his after life.

In Heaven, Eddie travels to different places to meet people who will answers his questions. The end of the story is superb as Eddie meets a young girl whom died following a fire that Eddie has set on a war camp when he was in the army. He never knew that the person who was moving in the shadow was this very young and innocent child. She shows him the terrible scars that the fire had caused to her body, which led a tearful repentant Eddie to rub a stone on her skin in order to rejunevate her skin. A beautiful touching finish.

To conclude, a powerful book who leads us to believe that there is life after death. Some questions we have about our life will be answered in our after life.

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