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Pen, Sword, Camisole
(Jorge Amado)

The book on pen,sword and camisole is a general nonfiction type novel.The book written by Jorge Amado is a classic work of tyhe medieval times.
In this the author describes the power of the pen and how it can easily ovrcome the power of the sword(physicl force)
The saying pen is mightier than the sword is an apt proverb suitable for this book.The experiences of the author in using his writings,journalism and articles against the government, a corporate society, a private or public limited compay or a group or against an indidual show how the writigs ca be more effecive for times abound and dominante over any physical force or monetary trials for bribes or any sort of forceful weapons physical or mental or social weapons aimed against an indidual unjustly
The might of the journalism has been shown all these centuries since times immemorial when India got indeendence fromthe British by writings in the loca papers to accelerate the satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi.The battle of the Indians aggainst the mighty British was won with thr power of a small pen.This was acase also in south Africa against apartheid policy of the British and white community,Same went forthe French revoltion and the American reviolution.Hence battles have been lost with the sword but with with the sheer capacity a pen and its writings
The book goes on to describe the forceful effect of newspapers,journalsm in our klives from the last 500 years when the first writing was published by jhon gutenberg using his printing press(mechanical blocks).
This book hence is a easy and informative means for writers and jornlist and is a must read for students of 15 and above.

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