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Understanding Consciousness.
(Velmans, Max)

Drawing on recent scientific discoveries, the author challenges conventional reductionist thought, providing an understanding of how consciousness relates to the brain and physical world that is neither dualist nor reductionist. This book will be of great interest to psychologists, philosophers, neuroscientists and other professionals concerned with mind-body relationships. This book summarizes current thinking about the nature and function of consciousness pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses of the dominant mind-body theories. The international 'consciousness debate' has largely been fueled by two competing world-views: dualism, which splits the universe into two fundamentally different mental and physical substances or properties, and materialist reductionism, which claims consciousness to be nothing more than a state or function of the brain. While dualism seems to be inconsistent with the findings of materialist science, reductionism seems to be inconsistent with the evidence of ordinary experience. The challenge is to understand consciousness in a way that does justice to both.

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