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Anna Karenina
(Tolstoï Léon)

We are in the middle of the contemporary Russian culture. Leon Tolstoï entrained us like a conscientious tourist guide, for discover Russia of Anna Karénine which is a lucid portrait from what distinguishes an unhappy family and her opposite. While meeting Vronski, here was the return in the couple of Anna Karénine will know a descent into Hell, with temptation then sins accumulate the ones after the others in a dangerous continuation. Leon Tolstoï thinks that in the life it is necessary to prefer sometimes appearances with the truth to save the society of a greater disaster .Then misfortunes follow quickly. The summit of disaster will be in imminent death of Anna which tears off the forgiveness of her husband to him. Fortunately she cures but she falls again in temptations as in the fall of the man.
The author introduces in the scene Lévine a young countryman with the generous spirit which wonders about the life and the sense of the relations between the men.
Their relation desegregates with the wire of time. Of return in Russia
, Anna and Vronski live in margin of the society. Anna and her husband form a circle discussed with the fortune dominant in Russia of cultural transition, rather a cultural crisis .Vronski abandoned in prey with an existential crisis and Anna Karenina which regrets her life lets take by despair and will make the supreme act to give wretched and cruel death.

Oblonski, the brother of Anna is an unsteady husband all the opposite of Lévine, He is however enough to tighten and very understanding mislaying of the others, without any doubt because of his moral Principe. For Tolstoï Leon
by writing Anna Karenina, it is more with research of a humanistic ideal; it is the search of the love in a requirement of truth. Anna is an existential drama.

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