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I Live, Always Of Hope
(Pierre Wattebled(;))

I trained in the life
On obscure directions,
With the force of the lion
And the fear of the child;
The forest trembles
In my nights of coldness:
Bigger I want to be, for some infinitely,
I'm dreaming.


Of hope always I live;
I doubt but I wish delivery;
My prayer is a cry of insanity
But, it is you whom I seek
more I think of it!

I plane a future,
I invent battles
I push back the anguish
As I flee slavery
I guess your sunsIn the screen of scrubs
My thought caresses your face.

I press snakes with the silvery scales
My victories, my failures, days of loveless
I oppose, with my frights, the force of the feelings;
I consume wine always with your lips.

And if you wanted it, would finally have I my chance?
I accept that you come to play all games;
the desires of my heart seek their difference:
Against misfortune, the beautiful winter glares!

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- Hope For Life

- We Shall Be Both

- I Am

- The Act Counts, Not The Appearance

- The Act Counts, Not The Appearance

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