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The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
(Mark Twain)

It is a recent run down memory lane for me as I have just returned from America! The other evening I was listening to the Radio and heard a great programme on the author of this book:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer/ the great American writer: Mark Twain! Apparently the political nature of this writer has lived on even to the present day!

I have taught some of Mark Twain's writing to our students: he is, indeed, very popular and has a wide appeal across the gender gap and age range.

In this book the hero - Tom Sawyer leads us a merry dance: it is a celebration of childhood!
The way in which it is written makes it difficult, I believe, for a modern audience and I know that it is best to approach it in a fairly light hearted way.

The mischievous Tom Sawyer weaves in an out of the chapters in an endearing form! Tom Sawyer gets up to all sorts of tricks: he becomes our hero! Our mighty flow of emotion trailblazes throughout the history of the United States of America! Now one of the leading Nations in the world and probably one of the richest!
One has little in common with this geographic backdrop, but Mark Twain paints the picture of
a world of rivers, forests, caves and a stroll through the geography of the United States of America.

Often I have "held off" writing about American Literature because I rather felt it was
/above criticism/: I always feel, intensively, irritated at American Grammar! I hate American slang!
And the pronunctiation war can be seen on every DVD and film I have ever bought tand watched!

However, this quaint little book offers a less harsh look at literature written for Americans by Americans. I was looking for a more broadly based, /international appeal/: I cannot find one! Though I am sure there is a reader out there who will contradict me. In the main, it appeals to an exclusively English Audience!

It's balance of humour and nostalgia creates a perfect blending of old and traditional values It's is a tale of boyhood adventure which is, they say, meant to win over our hearts and minds!

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- The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

- The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

- The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

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