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Ghostly Logic
(Lanaia Lee)

I moved to the South because it's so much warmer than the North, and the warmer weather will be good for my arthritis. I choose Louisiana because of the beaches on the Gulf, absolutely gorgeous.
I was very lucky to have gotten a job at the Myrtle Plantation Bed and Breakfast. When I took this job I had no idea of the immense supernatural I would experience.
The old plantation looks so warm and inviting, especially with all the pink-blossomed crepe myrtle trees. The backyard even as a small pond and gazebo. But don't let this carefree appearance fool you. This place has a reputation for being very haunted, but this is the twenty-first century, a time for logic, and ghosts and of the sorts, these are not logical.
It is said that in 1817, a slave called Chloe, was a house servant for a Judge Woodruffe. He was an adulterous man, having a forbidden affair with the Frech/Mullato Chloe. Being a house servant, Chloe had the chance to hear all kinds of things. She overheard her master during a business meeting, being inquisitive Chloe eavesdropped, I think just out of sheer curiosity. The judge caught her listening!
For this, the judge cut off Chloe's left ear, after this she always wore a green turban. He also told her, no longer would she be a house servant but he would send her back to the fields. I guess Chloe felt she could no longer do this kind of work after being a house servant. Working in the fields was very hard work.
Chloe came up with an idea that she thought would keep her as a house servant. The judge was married and had two children. It was the oldest daughter's birthday, so Chloe thought she would bake a birthday cake. But no ordinary cake. She mixed some oleander leaves into the child's birthday cake. Chloe thought she was just adding enough oleander to make them sick. She thought if she made them sick and doctored them back to heath, they would think they couldn't do without her. But Chloe unknowingly put to much oleander in the cake making it lethal.
When the judge's wife and children ate the cake, they were poisoned causing a horrid lingering death, that took hours for them to die. The other slaves, afraid the judge them judge would punish them as well, dragged Chloe outside and hung her from a plantation tree. Her body was later cut down, weighted down with rocks and thrown in the river. The dining room, where the cake was eaten, was closed off and never used again.
Since then Chloe's ghost has been reported being seen all around the old plantation. Could her ghost be trying to find to judge so she could inflict her revenge?
The judge being long dead, all her ghost can do is wander, haunting the magnificent plantation. It is also said that the ghosts of the chidden can be seen and heard at times, too.
This place, so big, so historical, so elaborate. So, here I am getting ready to start my first day on my new job. The legend of Chloe is a very good way to drum up business. People have a tendency to be curious of the supernatural, so the eleven rooms here are usually full. So my job here in a way is very important.
I have already led about ten tour groups, so now it is time for a break and I think I will go exploring. I first go outside to walk the beautiful grounds Outside, I get an unusual feeling that I am being watched. This feeling is very vivid and I don't like it. As I walk the grounds and look towards the verandah, I think I see two children playing. But when I get to the verandah to see if maybe they are lost, there is nothing there. Logic? An explanation for this, I haven't got one. I keep walking around the grounds, thinking to myself there is a logical reason for what I just saw. In front of me is a grove of trees, I just keep walking. A strange wind starts to blow, sending cold chills up and down my spine. The wind continues to blow and I am compelled to l.ook toward the grove of trees. I think I see a body hanging from one of the trees, violently swinging from the blowing wind. I know what I know what I felt. So where is the logic now? The only logic here is from those that died here so unjustly.

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