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The Monk Downstairs
(Tim Farrington)

Is the sympathy and fascination between lonely mother and the monk who after 20 years starts new secular life possible?
Rebeca lives in a not large house with her 6 years old daughter Mary Martha.All days she works but in the evenings she spend time on breeding her young child.For earning some money she decides to rent a room next to the garage.The day when she her announcement on the door comes the first willing.His names is Michael Christopher and it appears that he is an ex monk.In spite of not being Rebeca's ideal applicant(he even does not have a job) she decides to accept him.At first their relations are quite oficial and cool but the fact that young Mary Martha starts to make friends with Michael Christopher,couses that Rebeca wants to make her daughter's way...
She is independent and resourceful lonely mother.
He is lost in his new life and a little bit frightened of progress of civilization.
Might these two have something in common with each other?It appears that nothing but this is the thing which bring them closer together.
This is really warm and enjoyable story about two diffrent characters which try to understand each other.This is the novel about acceptance,friendship,hope and of course about love.

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