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By Waiting The Vote Of Wild Beasts
(Ahmadou Kourouma)

Goerge Orwell the African, here what arrives. When have the beasts acquired the right of vote? "While waiting for the vote of the wild beasts ", one more than fictitious allegory of Ahmadou Kourouma who carries out us in the middle of the political buffoonery as daily lived by people under the torture of illuminated sanguinary tyrants. Indeed the initiatory course of Koyaga since his childhood while passing by the wars and its meetings with the different dictators of Africa which give him important lessons of dictatorship as in prince de Machiavel. Koyaga does not hesitate to sit his capacity over the murder and blood. and surrounds himself by all kinds of forces of protection to survive to his enemies who make legion, in his opinion. As in the prince, Koyaga is covered with a coat of respectability and honorability while being made pass for a leader who has in heart the happiness of the fatherland. Any opposition is a crime for the envoy of the god to save his people. Koyaga is the prototype of rough in policy.
Koyaga is ? surround by a court of courtiers which plunders the country and whose splendor would make the sun' king fade of jealousy. Any lie is created to legitimate the capacity of the tyrant. Koyaga bases a dictatorial monarchy with the support of his pars for whichhe is an invaluable help for their combine political.
Through his hero, the author denounces the dictatorial drift shortly after independences of the African leaders helped sometimes by invisible hands which have gangster interests on the continent. He mystifies misery of the intellectuals which is exposed by the life of despots who installed modes of terror worthy of Danton and which hope to remain there with the vote of the wild beasts, against winds and tides

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