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Life, The Universe And Everything
(Douglas Adams)

The book on Life Universe and Everything is a nonfiction with scintfic thught.The books deals with life as perceived by sciene Charles Darwins theory of evolution ,theory of survival of the fittest and the relation of man to other species.The place of humean being in the universe is well dealth with.The role of humans in the ecosystem and his strategy of survival effect of his scintifc and technical devopment on the ecosystem and is future ,effect on the geophysical parameters of earthand atomosphere and where the world is heaed foris discussed
the book also discusses the constituents of the atosmsphers the 7 layers of earth namely stratosphere, agsphere, endospherere, ,magma layer and liquid strata.It also deals with the 7 layers of the atomosphere namely troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere,topsphere,anemosphereand terasphere.It also discuuses about astronomy of the universe in brief
The book discusses in story like manner the universe and constituents in a lucid and interesting way.It is a must read for childern of all age groups and those who are intrested in science and the place of human being in the universe.It also deals with spirutuality mysticism ,astrology andr elated stuff which influence

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- Life, The Universe And Everything

- Life, The Universe And Everything

- Life, The Universe And Everything

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