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The Stranger
(Albert Camus)

Through the course of Meursault Albert Camus depicts us the nonsense and the vanity of the life.
Meursault revolts since the beginning of the NOVELand refuses to see as abnormal what the society considers such as. Why would be ambitious if he were content with his situation? Why cry or feel guilty for some things? He wants passes his life as he hears it. One would be said that it is training this life and achieves some acts like an automat without soul.
Through the Stranger there, Albert Camus wants to denounce the racial and social prejudices which impeach a life. Each one should live his life according to his principles without disturbing the other in the respect. Meursault in one cry requires that the world live and let's live. A quite legitimate request but for a society which is built on a conditioning with a code of morality and sanctions for each crime. Meursault represented for this society a black sheep.
Meursault has his own way of seeing, to feel the things which are quite condemnable by his company. Albert Camus proposes us another approach of the life. Meursault is that which is uncovered which refuses to play the game.
At end of the Camus novel he concludes that the society is always condemning to dead all those which refuse to follow it

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