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A Brave New World
(Aldous Huxley)

Even scarier, one might say, than Orwell's predictions in 1984, A Brave New World makes its own predictions, many of which are already so much a part of today's society - we see test tube babies, and 'unnatural' selection, and DNA-testing. The underlying concept which stays constantly at the back of the reader's mind here is EUGENICS. This is what it is all about - and although very much a 'futuristic' novel, there are far too many ideas and behaviours running through this book which are not nearly as futuristic as one might hope! This is a fascinating insight into what the world could very well come to, if we don't kill each other off first. This world, this brave, new world, is a selective - or selected - one. One without freedom or choice. You are born an engineer or a carpenter or a mechanic. You are born classified. Those who move freely - those who have escaped the system - 'human beings', one might say - are now the lunatics, the criminals and the threats to society and are locked away accordingly. Diet and health and happiness are controlled exclusively with pills - a sad truth that is very much around today, too. This is a frightening account of an extreme world - but of one we have already taken the first steps to entering! It sounds heavy and depressing, though. It's not. It's a brilliantly written 'story' - fast-paced, action-packed, descriptive and very, very real. There is no flowery, complex language to exclude the taste of many readers. It can be read on many levels and will still remain an absolute classic. A superb story, wonderfully told.

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