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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

The book HitchHikers guide to the galaxy is a travellers guide to space and the universe.The bookis wrriten as a nonfiction novel and is technically sound to the current findings o the universe.
the author describes the milky way(the galaxy) in a manner no other author could have made it simpler.
our universe is collection of constellations.ours being near the dog star constellation.In our constellation the solar system is the dominant subconstellion.It consists of sun as the star with the nine planets revolving aroun from the suns centre point.Mercury the smallesrt,hottest star is revolbving at a radius of 800million miles from the sun.Then the comes the mars,earth,,,jupiter,venus,uranus,neptune,saturn, pluto in that order .
The mercury is the hottest planet with a tempeaure of 900*c,The Mars has a hydrogen atomosphere with no oxygen.It is almost the earths size(radius of 20,000km).The earth is only habitable planet with atomophers of oxygen andnitrog with water convering two thrids its surface.The venus is also almost the earths size.but has a temperature of 130*c with methane atomosphere.the uranus is 3 times the earth with 4 moons(subplanets).The Jupiter is the larget planet in our solar system with size of 14 times that of the earth .The neptune is a cold planet andis sized twice the earth.The saturn is a planet sized 6 times the earth The pluto is the farthest and coldet planet from the sun,It has a temperture of -180--10*C.It hasa inertgasatoosphere
There are a stray of smaller planetoids of size one tenth of earth between neptune and jupitr.Theseare called asteroids.
Thus the nvcerse is a constellion of different solar system.,In our constelation there are 12-15 system of star planets.Theconstellation visble in the universe are dogstar constelation, virgo,dhanush,tula,yama, varaha,kumbha,meena and four others..there are 14 constelation in our galxy.The milky way consists of manysuch galxies. The nearest star to our solar system other than the sun is the pole star(6900light years away) and dog star about( 12000light years way).Thus the book takes the reader throuh a technical tour ofthe galxy and the milky way,The explanatinis clear and lucid and to make it intersting has been written as a guide and a science fiction story or nvel book.This is a must read for students of all ages and those interseted in earth,slar system and the galxy

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