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The Power Of Wisdom

Man possesses a special quality that has been denied to other animals-the power of
understanding. This power makes him superior to all other species and animals.
Unfortunately man, very often, misunderstands. Because of this misunderstanding we find
people fighting among themselves. There is fight between groups, between states, between
nations and the reason is only misunderstanding. If only man tries a little to understand
others, there will be peace on this earth and so many problems would get automatically
The following is the story of an elephant which was about to killed because the people
in charge of it were unable to understand it feeling.
It was a circus elephant and a favourite of people and children. The tricks it
performed in the ring was appreciated by one and all. The children often touched it and
gave fruits and biscuits. The elephant also liked all these. But one day it suddenly
became rude. It threatened those who come near it. It refused to enter the ring to perform
its tricks. It even tried to kill its keeper, several times in the same week. The circus
authorities finally decided to shoot it down. They said that it had become insane and was
beyond all cure. They became inconsiderate to such an extent as to think of making money in
its death. They announced that the elephant was going to be shot dead and people could come
and see how it was killed. They said that entrance will be by tickets. Naturally there was
a big gathering on the day it was going to be shot dead.
The riflemen had arrived and were stading ready with their rifles. The people stood
crowded around the huge circular iron cage. Inside the cage, the elephant was still
restless and angry. Everybody was waiting for the signal from the manager who had come in
a special dress for the occasion.
It was then that a short man approached the manager of the circus. "Why don't you
allow the elephant to live?" he asked. "It is impossible because the animal has become
insane and its cure is out of question. If it is not killed, it will kill others," replied
the manager. "You may be wrong in your conclusions. Why don't you allow me to enter the
cage and talk to the elephant?" suggested the stranger. "You are sure to be trampled the
moment you step into the cage. I do not want to be held responsible for anybody's death,"
the manager replied with puzzled looks. The stranger took out a paper roll from his pocket
and extending it to the manager, said, "This is a legal letter which exempts you from any
responsibility, in case I am killed. Now open the door and let me in." The manager gave one
hurried look at the contents and after feeling satisfied, opened the door of the cage.
The stranger entered the cage and slammed the door behind him. The elephant now gave
a warning not of attack. The stranger remained calm but started talking to the elephant.
Nobody around the cage understood anything because it was a strange language to them.
But the animal seemed to understand what the stranger said. The animal lost its anger
slowly and became friendly again. The stranger then approached the elephant and patted it
on its trunk softly and with affection. The elephant also showed its affection and
friendliness by curling its trunk round the waise of the stranger. The people around the
cage were gaping at the sight in wonder. It seemed unbelievable that an elephant which was
full of rage, a few minutes before and which deserved a punishment no less than death, was
now calm and friendly.
After some time the stranger came out of the cage. He tole the astonished manager calmly, "There is nothing wrong with the elephant. It had become a little homesick. It from India. I talked to it in Hindustani, the language it first understood as a young elephant. Now it's alright." So saying the stranger walked out of the place ignoring the hand that the manager had extended to him. Perhaps he felt that men who lackederstanding did not deserve any recognition.
It took some time for the manager to recover from this strange experience. When he was his self again, it suddenly struck him that he had not even asked the stranger his name. Then remembering the legel letter, he took it out and read. The name was Rudyard Kipling.

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