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Trave Lat The End Of Night
(Louis-Ferdinand Céline)

Bardamu. You know it? No? well, you must be reassured because you can still meet him, by reading the chief of work of L.F Caroline, Travel at the end of the night.

Bardamu is an anti-hero who will be able nevertheless to take you along until the end of the voyage. He travels, Bardamu, certainly, but without ticket. To penetrate in its universe is thus not easy thing. He takes us along far, so far that is less and less sure to return unscathed as the pages ravel. From Africa in New York, female conquests with the low blows, Bardamu makes us dream, because he represents our real and ashamed condition at the same time.
And let us not speak about the polemic various and not varied which made of the most famous Celine of the writers anti-Semites of the history of the French literature! Let us cease sticking to such futilities which are only with half founded, and interest in this book which, recall, missed of little the prestigious one Goncourt price in 1936. Besides the specialists have a pleasure of pointing out that one does not remember the book prize winner, so much the Travel at the end of the night was considered like the large one gaining.
And there is one reason for this. The Travel seems like a work shifted in the history of the literature, because its author equipped with a new, clean and single style at the same time. To realize it, it is necessary to have read the first novel of Mr L.F Caroline, genius among the geniuses, esthetical literary of first order, writer disputed and adulated by his pars.
To plunge in the Travel at the end of the night, is not to be sure to re-examine the day, and it is well that the characteristic of a literary work, it is that it does not leave unscathed.

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