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We Born To Enjoy In This World(clean)

All our enjoyment is based on our cleanliness. One thing is external. Another one is internal. In internal we have to take off all our negative thinking, negative approach,
And negative speeches.

What is negative thinking you deicide every thing against you, or your family or to the
Place you live or the place you work with. When every thing goes smooth and still
You say to the globe I thought this(negative)way. You act also to the bad decision.
Which all ready placed in your mind.

The above said views are internal mind of negative. The decision that you have taken
All ready and you act to that and feel the negatives without missing even a percent

The external dirties may cause only infection, and due to the infection you get sick.
You take medicines and get it cure. So external clean is one of the common factors.
If you are not bothered some one will bother and the actions will be taken soon.

Of course, the external cleanliness are more imperfect we have to face the all
Problem. The external cleanliness should act fast. Those who are in the cleaning
Jobs if they are not perfect in their duties, they are not only bad to their company,
They are bad to the society too.

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- Horizontal Diffusion, Vertical Diffusion, And Internal Pressure In State Environmental Policymaking,

- The Power Of Positive Thinking - Chapter 2

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- We Born To Enjoy In This World(worship)

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