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We Born To Enjoy In This World(sight)

We have born to look. We born to look till the day we close it permanently. We will close one day till we alive he has to look at another. What do we loose in that?

We all ways think some times negative, some times
Positive. Some times neutral. No time we worry means
We are enjoying, we make some one happy by our
Pleasing look. This happens more than 1000 times
A day. As long as you take all the time positive. You
Are the number one happiest person in the world?

So look happily, positively. Find other human beings reaction, motive, will suit to you for positive, negative,
Or for common sake. Try to find it as long as you can
Look with nacked eyes, or with spectacles. Or even
With the closing eyes with the help of sixth sense as
Blind. Blind people look all the things with nose,
Ears, and achieve in the world like Helen killer.
The very first feeling of the sixth sense is not to
Believe in any thing. Without any proof.

So we traced out big souls who are trying to help all the time. Our life. We neglected them do not think like a god.
Think positive there could be a man or woman or a lovely
Human being may come at any time and could advice for
All the human being in the world.

Or some child could have born, or at this movement of time.

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