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Ask Your Angels
(A. Ramer, A. Daniel. T. Wyllie)

?Ask your Angels? will take along you on an extraordinary way which will revolutionize your vision of the world. The three authors of this book deliver the means to you of communicating with these spiritual beings which surround us, these divine messengers whom we call angels.
the world angelica is revealed to us, showing the relations between the human ones, the angels and the divine one.
the techniques of relieving to us are explained stages by stages so that we can come into contact with our guardian angel, which others call them « good star ».
There are other angels, thousands, which côtoient us permanently, on different levels too. Our guardian angel, our personal angel, angels of the ground, planets, our house, our city, etc? A panoply of angels which points out the former pagan gods.
the angels speak to us, facilitate the life to us but sometimes lead us on difficult ways only for the good of our heart.
According to those, the evil does not exist since all is creation of God. Not fallen angels, only one projection of our own negativism. The evil is a weakness of the good.
To have positive thoughts and to remove us from any negativism is the key to bring us closer the Angels, God and ourselves.
Often let us speak with the angels and our life will be largely improved thanks to their inspiration.

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