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Antifreeze Proteins Transfer Into Transgenic Fish(salmon).
(Gilbert ,Dimitrios,Zhian and Ping.)

The AFP genes transfer to salmon from winter flounder is an operation done in order to produce salmon fish that can overcome -2°C. This would of course increase the fish production in salmon industry, because the fish migration will be extended, and new offsprings will be present to the new zone of migration for sure. The operation is possible but it has some problems which are not solved until now. These problems include AFP proteins fixed integration and inheritance into the salmon genome because salmon can not keep genes transferred into it permanently. It is necessary to go through points such as both fish physiology and some other related points like fish classification, feeding and life cycle and then find the way the transfer can be done, that is to say by using micro-injection. Another way of genes transfer to salmon has been discussed so far (virus injection), but there is not much research about it until now. Furthermore, these proteins and their genes can be used into other substances such as plants to enhance resistance to freezing. For the salmon, the antifreeze genes are uniquely suited to drive the expression of functional genes such as growth hormone that involves in growth rates of salmon.

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