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Awareness On Aids

Awareness on AIDS
The need of this hour is the awareness of aids. Though we talk about this topic very much, we have not concentrated deeply to prevent it. Of course, the most dangerous problem, the entire world is facing. But on the other hand, the upcoming genarations do not have the awareness. So, now it is the most urgent and imprtant lesson that is to be taught to the students.
In general we say that the subject sex should be taught to the students when they are grown up. But now, the situation has changed and now it is time for us to teach about the killer aids.
In the cities it is going worse day by day. In the villages, usually the problem is less, since they do not have many chances to move with people. But in the cities, people move together and the result is very bad. This is because of the unprotected sexual relationship with others.
In all the other cases, the person who is directly involved only would be the sufferer. But in this case many people are sufferers, who are not involved. So, we have to be very careful in handling this case because it is very very sensitive. There should be more talk on the subject, and more informations on this.
If we try now, slowly we can reduce the number of persons suffering from Aids. Otherwise, we have to face a very huge human life loss soon.

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