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(Salem Kirban)

Before there was "Left Behind", there was 666. In 1970 preacher Salem Kirban turned the End Times prophecy he was preaching into a novel. Main character George Omega is on an airplane flight home, reflecting on the wonders of the modern world, the new world leader Brother Bartholomew, and wondering about his wife with her old fashioned religious faith. His thoughts are interrupted by disaster, as a significant number of his fellow airplane passengers disappear into nothingness. While others wonder what caused this event, George, remembering the warnings of his religious wife, is certain that it was the Rapture, the sudden taking up of all the world's Christians into heaven. The sinister Brother Bartholomew uses the events to gain even greater dictatorial power. George, newly converted to Christianity, recognizes that Bartholomew is the Antichrist. George reconnects with his long-lost daughter, and suffers with her when she is forced to undergo a government-required abortion. Brother Bartholomew then insists that all the world must take the Mark of the Beast, the number 666. Failure to do so results in death by guillotine. George and his daughter undergo a number of narrow escapes before the battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ put an end to Brother Bartholomew's regime.

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